Saskatoon Ward 7 Coun. Mairin Loewen won’t seek re-election in November

Saskatoon Ward 7 councillor Mairin Loewen announced Tuesday that she will not be seeking re-election this November.

Loewen has been that ward’s councillor since 2011, saying that it’s been an honour to represent those residents.

“I’ve now run in four municipal elections, and in 2020, my family and I decided that it would be my last one,” Loewen said.

She said being a councillor has been challenging and rewarding and that she is proud of the progress the city has seen during her time in office.

“There is always more to be done, and some work left unfinished, but I am confident that the next council will meet these challenges and continue to build a bright future for our city.”

With Loewen’s announcement, that makes five new faces coming to the council chambers in November as Ward 2 Coun. Hilary Gough, Ward 3’s David Kirton, Ward 8’s Serina Gersher and mayor Charlie Clark all saying they won’t be looking for re-election, either.

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