Calgary theatre company’s ‘very special’ new show celebrates Filipino culture

Some talented young Calgarians are hitting the stage with a special show this weekend.

Members of the new Flipside Theatre Collective are celebrating their heritage while encouraging diversity and kindness.

The Flipside performers, most from a Filipino background, are presenting a musical called “Good as Gold,” a story created by a writer from Manila.

“It’s very rare for Filipinos to take on original Filipino material,” performer Nikko Angelo Hinayo said. “It’s very, very special.”

The story highlights the traditional Filipino value known as bayanihan.

“Bayanihan is helping the community, seeing people in need and helping them out of the goodness of your heart with no intent of getting something back,” performer Marissa Watterston said. “It’s very much uplifting your community, having each other’s back and always supporting each other.”

The production is part of Calgary celebrations to mark Filipino Heritage Month.

“We’re not only raising our flag of the Filipino community, but we’re really spreading the message of kindness and diversity,” performer Joshua Jack Eanatabio said. “Because what we need in the world right now is more kindness.”

The Flipside members are performing “Good as Gold” in The Studio at Vertigo Theatre at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

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