A controversial road in Libau, Man., is being renamed, say community leaders.
The Brokenhead Ojibway Nation and the Rural Municipality of St. Clements announced Monday that Libau’s Colonization Road will be renamed following consultation with members of both communities.
The communities said they are going about the renaming in the spirit of reconciliation and in light of recent struggles against systemic racism in Canada and around the world.
“This conversation isn’t new,” said Brokenhead Chief Deborah Smith.
“First Nations across Canada have regularly expressed frustration with colonial statues — recently the public outcry for the removal of the statue of Canada’s first prime minister because of his significant role in building church-run Indian residential schools that attempted to assimilate Indigenous children into Western society.”
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RM of St. Clements Mayor Debbie Fiebelkorn said it’s important the communities work together to recognize the negative role colonialism and colonial symbols have played in local history.
“It’s important we understand the impact these symbols have and recognize the negative impact of colonialism,” she said.
“We’d like to establish a process of collaborative leadership and seek consultation to have meaningful dialogue on a difficult topic such as this.”