Former Edmonton track coach charged with historical sex assaults involving teen athletes

A 72-year-old man has been charged with several historical sex offences that allegedly occurred while he was a track coach in Edmonton in the 1970s and 1980s.

Kenneth Thomas Porter, who now lives in Ottawa, arrived in Edmonton on Monday, and was arrested and charged by police.

According to the Edmonton Police Service, Porter allegedly sexually assaulted five underage teen boys who were under his supervision between 1976 and 1980.

Porter was a coach with the Edmonton Olympic Track and Field Club.

The incidents are believed to have happened during track meets held in Calgary and Edmonton.

Investigators formally launched an investigation into the allegations surrounding Porter in April 2019.

He has since been charged with five counts of indecent assault on a male and five counts of gross indecency.

Read more:
Athletics Canada expels Ottawa Lions head coach, club chair after sexual harassment probe

In May 2019, Athletics Canada issued a lifetime ban to Porter as the result of a sexual harassment investigation.

Porter was working as the Ottawa Lions club president. He and Andy McInnis were suspended in March after allegations of sexual harassment by former athletes launched the investigation. None of the allegations has been proven in court.

He has been released and his next court appearance is set for Dec. 7.

— With files from the Canadian Press

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