19 new coronavirus cases in Saskatchewan, active cases jump to 113

Saskatchewan reported 19 new coronavirus cases on Friday — 12 in Saskatoon.

Health officials said of the new cases in Saskatoon, six are at Brandt Industries and the remaining are linked to known cases that are being tracked.

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Saskatoon party linked to 21 coronavirus cases

Four new cases were also reported in Regina and three in the central west zone.

There are now 1,776 reported COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan — 113 of which are considered active.

Five people are hospitalized in Saskatoon, though none are in intensive care.

Health officials said 24 of the currently active cases are from communal-living settings.

Officials said there have been 1,639 recoveries and 24 deaths.

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In-school coronavirus testing underway at Saskatchewan campuses

Coronavirus breakdown

Of all cases reported to date in Saskatchewan, 877 are community contacts, 520 have no known exposures, 264 are travellers and 115 are under investigation by public health.

Here is a breakdown of total Saskatchewan cases by age:

  • 295 people are 19 and under
  • 579 people are 20 to 39
  • 547 are 40 to 59
  • 295 people are 60 to 79
  • 60 people are 80 and over

Females make up 51 per cent of the cases, males 49 per cent.

Read more:
COVID Alert app now available in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan has completed 116,646 tests so far for the virus, up 1,980 from Thursday.

Saskatchewan’s per capita rate testing rate as of Sept. 16 was 117,832 people tested per million population. The national rate was 170,848 people tested per million population.

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Questions about COVID-19? Here are some things you need to know:

Symptoms can include fever, cough and difficulty breathing — very similar to a cold or flu. Some people can develop a more severe illness. People most at risk of this include older adults and people with severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung or kidney disease. If you develop symptoms, contact public health authorities.

To prevent the virus from spreading, experts recommend frequent handwashing and coughing into your sleeve. They also recommend minimizing contact with others, staying home as much as possible and maintaining a distance of two metres from other people if you go out. In situations where you can’t keep a safe distance from others, public health officials recommend the use of a non-medical face mask or covering to prevent spreading the respiratory droplets that can carry the virus. In some provinces and municipalities across the country, masks or face coverings are now mandatory in indoor public spaces.

For full COVID-19 coverage from Global News, click here.

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