5 foolproof organizing systems

An organizational system refers to the method in which your items are being stored. Without a system, it’s really hard to stay organized for a long period because your belongings don’t have a designated spot to live.

Here are 5 organizational solutions that work great for various spaces and lifestyles.

Under-the-bed storage is functional, practical, and can sometimes double as both storage and everyday usage as many under-the-bed storage solutions now double as night-side table living. Under the bed is often forgotten about space, but very handy for off-season items or items you don’t need SUPER accessible, but not too far out of reach.


Are you a collector? Or maybe you LOVE books, décor, small trinkets, and more! Adding a simple bookshelf or floating wall shelves can be a great way to store your favourite items in your living room, bedroom, home office, etc. Extra shelving will allow you to display your favourite items instead of keeping them boxed up and collecting dust. It’s always nice to display the items that bring you joy!


A classic organization option is a bin or basket! If you have one kicking around, actually use it to serve a purpose! This basket can be used in practically any space of the home to house essentials, catch clutter, act as a piece of décor, and more. A basket can grow with you over time, and be used in different spaces for various functions – there are no rules when it comes to basket organization.


Small space living often means that there is little storage space available within your home. A great solution for exploring extra storage in small square footage is using unoccupied vertical space – this means the back of doors and empty wall space. Simple mounted wall hooks can create a functional solution when feeling tight on space. This option works great in a shed, garage, basement, furnace room, or storage area of the home.


Who doesn’t love a 2-in-1? Investing in furniture that also serves as storage is a useful way to maximize space! Items like ottomans or benches with storage inside can be a handy way to create a seat while also storing items such as throws, pillows, board games, books, odds and ends, etc.


Your future self will thank you when there is a system set up in every space in your home so you and your family find it extremely easy to locate and return items. This helps you save plenty of time and streamline your belongings. Happy organizing!

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