Alberta Health Services says COVID-19 outbreak declared at Lethbridge’s Chinook High School

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at Chinook High School in Lethbridge, according to Alberta Health Services.

AHS issued a notice to parents on Wednesday that said while public health officials are investigating coronavirus cases at the school, “the risk of the general population in the school becoming infected because of these cases is low.”

READ MORE: As more Alberta schools report single COVID-19 cases, province launches map tracking school outbreaks 

In an email to Global News, AHS said “two or more cases of COVID-19 attended Chinook High School, in Lethbridge, while infectious.”

“AHS is already working directly with the school to limit risk of spread. This includes assessing the classroom(s) setting and identifying and assessing the close contacts of the case. Any individual considered exposed to this case will be contacted directly by Alberta Health Services, per standard contact tracing procedures,” the health authority said.

READ MORE: Coronavirus: What schools in Alberta have COVID-19 outbreaks 

AHS added that physical distancing, masking, hand hygiene and environmental cleaning have also been reviewed with the school.

Watch below: Some videos from Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s news conference on Wednesday in which she offered an updated on the province’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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