Brantford, Ont. police seek suspect alleged to have set fire at residential school memorial

Police in Brantford, Ont., are seeking “a lone suspect” they believe may be responsible for damage to a memorial honouring missing and deceased children from residential schools.

Detectives say the incident happened sometime after 10:30 p.m. on Friday near the Woodland Cultural Centre on Mohawk Street.

“The suspect caused damage to a number of items left to honour the child victims of the residential school system by setting fire to them,” Brantford police spokesperson Robin Matthews-Osmond said in a release.

Read more:
‘Look for our children’: New AFN chief says every residential school will be examined

Brantford Police say they are jointly investigating the alleged vandalism with Six Nations Police and believe the suspect may have remained at the scene for several hours after setting the fire.

“Both agencies condemn the criminal acts of the suspect, who is believed to have acted alone, and remain committed to holding them accountable for their actions,” Matthews-Osmond said.

Police have released a photo of the person they believe is the suspect with the hope someone will be able to identify the individual. Investigators have not released a specific description of the accused.

Anonymous information can be provided to Brantford Crime Stoppers.

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