Calgary Stampede downsizes number of chuckwagons competing in Rangeland Derby

The Calgary Stampede is making changes to the Rangeland Derby ahead of the 2021 competition.

Riders were made aware of the upcoming changes in a letter earlier this week which cited the “safety and sustainability of the sport” to be front of mind when making the decision to allow fewer competitors per heat in the upcoming chuckwagon races.

“Each of the nine heats will now see three wagons roll onto the Stampede track, rather than four,” the letter stated.

“The shift will provide greater maneuverability and space for you and your team in the infield area and around the track,” the letter said.

This year’s derby was cancelled alongside the Stampede due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more:
2020 Calgary Stampede cancelled for first time in over 100 years amid COVID-19

The changes mean that fewer drivers will be invited to take part in the races next year.

On Wednesday, 27 invitations went out for the 2021 derby — that’s nine fewer than the 36 who competed in the previous competition.

It’s an adjustment officials noted will take some time to get used to.

“As with changes in the past, this may be a difficult adjustment for some, however, we feel it is essential to the sustainability of the sport at the Calgary Stampede,” the letter read.

“We want you to know this has been a significant consideration and the decision is not being taken lightly.”

For many years, the Rangeland Derby has been a staple event to the Calgary Stampede, which in 2019 doled out more than $1.4 million in prize money.

However, the changes don’t stop there. Tuesday’s letter also outlined several other updates the derby will see in the upcoming years.

Invitation updates

The letter outlined that, beginning in 2022, the Calgary Stampede will only invite drivers who are competing within the World Professional Chuckwagon Association (WPCA).

The change means after 2021, drivers with the Canadian Professional Chuckwagon Association (CPCA) will no longer be invited. However, officials noted that gives riders with the CPCA one year to apply for a spot on the WPCA tour, and still be eligible to compete in the Rangeland Derby.

“We very much value our relationship with the CPCA and respect the association’s commitment and contribution to the sport of chuckwagon racing,” the letter read.

“With the vast majority of drivers at the Calgary Stampede already coming from the WPCA, this shift provides the opportunity for greater consistency with rules and regulations, as well as the drivers’ familiarity with each other.”

Read more:
Chuckwagon driver fined, disqualified after 3rd horse death at Calgary Stampede

Research projects to ensure animal safety

The letter also informed drivers of two separate research projects being conducted. One will be led by the University of Calgary’s research chair for equine sports medicine, Dr. Renaud Leguilette.

“One project will create a database for levels of the biological marker troponin in horses through blood testing, with the goal of being able to identify horses with pre-existing heart conditions,” the letter read.

The second research project will aim to determine optimal ground conditions of the Stampede track for horses.

“The study will examine data gathered using sensors attached to horses’ legs as they experience a variety of different ground conditions at different speeds.

“The sensors will measure the impact on the leg under the various conditions, providing information for analysis.”

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