Canadian doctors call for more transparency about coronavirus vaccine rollout

The professional group for emergency doctors in Canada wants more transparency about COVID-19 vaccine distribution.

The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians is calling for a clear description of who is being prioritized for the first doses and why.

Read more:
Public trust hinges on government’s transparency on coronavirus vaccine, doctors say

It also wants priority to go to those directly caring for patients who are critically ill or suspected of having COVID-19.

The association says many members in areas with limited human resources have not been vaccinated, but urban providers who have less patient contact appear to have received doses.

Click to play video: Is Ontario’s vaccine rollout plan working? Doctor answers your latest COVID-19 questions

A Wednesday statement says communication about the process so far doesn’t support claims that the vaccine rollout will follow an ethical framework.

Many doctors don’t know when they will be vaccinated and the association says that needs to change.

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