Child porn charge dropped against Nova Scotia doctor due to mistaken identity

HALIFAX – The governing body for Nova Scotia doctors says police wrongly accused a physician of possessing child pornography last month in a case of mistaken identity.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia says Dr. David Barnett’s lawyer told the organization that he was facing a charge of possessing child pornography and the college suspended his licence to practise medicine on Dec. 4.

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Dr. Gus Grant, the college’s CEO, says the Crown on Monday informed the college that the allegation had been dismissed in Halifax provincial court.

Grant says a Crown attorney confirmed that police had mistaken Barnett for someone with a similar name and email address in Ohio, who has been arrested.

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The CEO says there is no evidence connecting the Cole Harbour doctor with the alleged crime.

Grant says when the college learned about the mix-up, it immediately convened a committee that removed the interim suspension imposed on Barnett.

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