Fanshawe campus security now to carry naloxone kits

Anyone at Fanshawe College who overdoses on drugs may be a little bit safer with the college deciding to provide security services on campus with naloxone kits.

All special constables have been accredited through online training to be able to identify when a situation would warrant a kit.

“We want our community to have the same access to this life-saving tool that is available to community members in the London region,” says Shawn Rutkauskas, assistant manager of Campus Security Services.

READ MORE: Canada’s other health-care crisis — the epidemic of fatal drug overdoses

Ed Pimental, manger of campus security at Fanshawe, said the decision stemmed from various needs at the college.

“We are the first responders,” Pimental said.

“Our ambulance service and paramedics are top-notch, but sometimes when there is a call, they are not familiar with our campus because it’s always growing. So there is always a time period where finding your way becomes an issue. Time is of the essence with this medication.”

The college has 11 special constables, and all will have two kits with them at all times.

Naloxone is a life-saving medication used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose temporarily.

Staff and students can contact Campus Security Services if they suspect someone on campus is experiencing symptoms of an opioid overdose.

“You really can’t put a price on saving someone’s life…. It’s something that only enhances us,” Pimental said.

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