Kelowna’s Arion Therapeutic Farm looking for new home in Okanagan

Arion Therapeutic Farm has been a haven for humans and animals for more than a decade, now the 12 acres it calls home in Kelowna is now for sale.

“It’s been an amazing 11 years we have absolutely no regrets as a family,” said Heather Henderson, Arion Therapeutic Farm director and founder.

“We created this place for the community and if it’s not meant to be in the Kelowna community we are okay with that but we will stand behind the mission we created.”

COVID-19 was the final push that has left Henderson, her family and her sanctuary looking for a new home in the valley.

“It was created as a special sanctuary for people and animals nestled in nature,  it’s a place to come and feel better all ages all abilities, whether they have special needs or not we have become a safe haven to so many people. And that’s the concept to come and feel better,” said Henderson.

Read more:
Coronavirus: Arion Therapeutic Farm starts membership program and shifts focus

For the 53 animals and families that visit the farm where they can learn how to care for and interact with farm animals, it is a life-changing experience and for the Pereria family, the farm has become a big part of their lives.

“My daughter who is about four-years-old she’s autistic and has a rare syndrome called DDX3X which results in Attention Deficit Disorder and also permanent physical and mental disability into adulthood,” said David Pereira while visiting the farm with his family.

Read more:
It takes a village to keep therapeutic farm thriving in Kelowna

“Without this place, I think we will do what most parents do I think that have children like Leilani or have issues or even parents that have neurotypical kids; we do what we do because we have no choice we just have to try to do the best,” said Pereira.

“We will we manage I’m sure will that mean less happiness in her life? Probably. But we will make the best that we can.”

The farm is still open for business and tours until the sale and will be selling and honouring all current and future membership purchases for more information you can visit their website

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