More rain forecast for B.C.’s South Coast this weekend

Heads up for South Coast residents, more rain is forecast for the coming weekend.

There is still much uncertainty about how much rain will fall and where. However, considering many residents are still cleaning up after last weekend’s atmospheric rivers we wanted to make sure residents are aware of the potential for this coming weekend.

Rain forecast for B.C.’s South Coast from Friday to Sunday.

Global News

We are expecting rain, on and off, from Friday evening through Sunday.

Anywhere from 30 to 70 millimetres of rain is possible across the Lower Mainland by the end of Sunday, with the North Shore mountains receiving the majority once again.

At this time, the forecast is showing two more intense blasts of moderate to heavy rain.

The first is expected to arrive Friday evening and last into Saturday morning and the second is expected Saturday night through Sunday morning.

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The west coast of Vancouver Island could also receive anywhere from 30 to 70 millimetres of precipitation.

This expected rainfall is far less than what we experienced last weekend where some areas received upwards of 200 millimetres of rain.

However, any moderate to heavy rain may adversely impact some regions at this time.

The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes is classifying the upcoming rainstorms as either an AR1 or AR2 on its atmospheric river scale. This means “primarily beneficial” or “mostly beneficial, also hazardous.”

Last week’s destructive atmosphere river was classified as an AR4, meaning “mostly hazardous, also beneficial.”

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