The province has awarded a contract to build outdoor visitation spaces at personal care homes across Manitoba, but no word yet on when they will be operational.
Provincial Health and Seniors Minister Cameron Friesen, among others, will unveil the visitation shelters at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Global News will livestream the press conference here.
Jan Legeros, executive director of the Long Term and Continuing Care Association, told 680 CJOB that while there are still questions, the shelters will be important for seniors and their families — especially in the winter months.
“Social isolation has very significant effects on our seniors, so we need to establish that contact in some way — but it has to be a very safe way,” said Legeros.
Read more:
Manitoba easing restrictions on personal care homes visitations
Legeros told 680 CJOB there will be a lot of considerations, as Manitoba is home to 127 personal care homes, and that some of the logistical challenges that will have to be worked out include minimizing the time seniors spend in the elements en route to see visitors.
“I’m hoping that many of the personal care homes will be able to assign an indoor space that can be used that’s near an entry door so that visitors can go directly through the entry door into this special space.”