Quebec reports 1,279 new COVID-19 cases, 15 more deaths linked to novel coronavirus

Quebec is reporting 1,279 new COVID-19 cases today along with 15 more deaths linked to the novel coronavirus.

Health officials say the total number of infections in the province stands at 92,297, and 6,032 people have died from the virus.

Authorities say one death previously attributed to the virus was found to have been due to other causes.

READ MORE: Quebecers may have to reduce contacts even more, public health institute warns

The number of people in hospital increased by ten to 517 while the number of people in intensive care decreased by 2 for a total of 85.

Health Minister Christian Dubé noted the rising indicators in a morning tweet.

He’s urging Quebecers to continue limiting their contacts in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.

“We have the power to break the wave, but we need the co-operation of all Quebecers,” he wrote.

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