Quebec to inject $4.6 million into province’s movie theatres amid COVID-19 slump

The Quebec government will give the province’s cinemas $4.6 million to help the industry deal with the economic impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on them.

The funding is also aimed at supporting Quebec filmmaking that is showcased at local theatres.

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“While waiting for the safe reopening of cinemas, our government wanted to help our big screens across Quebec, so that citizens can discover the cinematographic work of Quebec filmmakers when their doors reopen,” said Minister of Culture and Communications Nathalie Roy in a statement.

According to the government, 76 theatres — 469 screens — will benefit from the funding.

Cinemas that screen Quebec films could receive 20 per cent more in funding than cinemas that don’t, according to the ministry of culture and communications.

–with files from Alessia Maratta, Global News

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