Saskatchewan in cleanup mode as snow and rain blast streets

March is going out like a lion.

After warm temperatures throughout most of the month, the snow, wind and cold have arrived.

According to Saskatchewan RCMP, from 10 a.m. Thursday to 10 a.m. Friday, they received 80 traffic-related reports including 38 about collisions.

RCMP say if you are travelling today and through the weekend, check the weather and road conditions along your route and consider delaying travel if possible.

“There’s lots going on in the province this weekend, from kids’ sports tournaments to the world men’s curling championship kicking off in Moose Jaw,” said Supt. Grant St. Germaine, officer in charge of Saskatchewan RCMP Traffic Services.

“Whatever your plans are this weekend, if they involve potential travel, make safe decisions. Stay home if it’s dangerous. Drive to road conditions,” he added.

“I’ve been out patrolling this morning and I’ve seen many motorists driving way too fast for the terrible road conditions – even if they were below the speed limit. Don’t be that person that jeopardizes the safety of those in your vehicle and others on the road.”

Check the Highway Hotline for the most up to date info on road conditions.

“We’re not out of the woods yet: reports show that roads in parts of the province are snow-covered,” RCMP said.

The City of Saskatoon had declared a snow event, following the heavy snowfall over the last 20 hours.

The city said roughly 12 cm of snow has fallen so far. With it, comes snow clearing.

“(Twenty-eight) graders and 6 plows are working to clear snow from priority streets like freeways, arterial roads and collector streets,” the city said in a release.

“Snow will be stored on medians, boulevards and parking lanes to maintain mobility. 14 sanders are working to improve traction in icy areas, and 6 sidewalk plows are active clearing City-owned pathways and sidewalks.”

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