Saskatchewan Party names candidate to replace Daryl Cooper in Saskatoon Eastview

The Saskatchewan Party has named a replacement nominee for the riding of Saskatoon Eastview just one day after Daryl Cooper resigned from the campaign after promoting COVID-19 conspiracy theories on social media.

On Sunday, Chris Guérette was appointed by the party as its new candidate for the riding.

“I am excited to join the Saskatchewan Party team and start talking to voters about our plan for a strong Saskatchewan,” Guérette said in a press release.

Read more:
Daryl Cooper resigns from Sask Party campaign after advancing COVID-19 conspiracy theories

Guérette has served as CEO of the Saskatoon and Region Home Builders’ Association since 2016. She has over 15 years of experience working in the housing, non-profit, health, and education sectors.

In 2019, Guérette announced she was seeking the Saskatchewan Party nomination for the riding of Saskatoon Meewasin in the upcoming provincial election. However, she lost to lawyer Rylund Hunter in the contested nomination.

The Saskatchewan Party was forced to replace a candidate in the Saskatoon Eastview riding after Cooper resigned unexpectedly on Saturday.

FULL COVERAGE: 2020 Saskatchewan Election

In recent days the former candidate had come under fire for comments he made on social media about COVID-19 that undermined scientific evidence.

Saskatchewan Party leader Scott Moe is scheduled to address reporters in Saskatoon on Sunday.

Check back later for updates.

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