Sidelined during pandemic, mature student enrols at Guelph, graduates at top of class

Kelly Hughes has overcome every obstacle in her life to achieve an academic dream.

After not feeling ready for post-secondary education shortly after high school several years ago, Hughes has finally reached an academic milestone.

On June 13, she obtained her degree as a mature student with two majors from the University of Guelph.

Working as a chef and a food writer, Hughes said it’s always been her dream to go back to school.

“Going back to university was a way for me to build on what I had already done and the knowledge and experience that I had acquired over the years,” Hughes said.

She said it was really exciting for her to be able to combine her experience and ongoing interest in food. Prior to attending the U of G, Hughes was an instructor at Conestoga as well.

While the pandemic put Hughes’ hospitality career on pause, she saw it as an opportunity to apply to university.

And as a single mother with three kids, all of whom are university age no less, she said it felt like “a now or never situation” to pursue her adulthood dream.

Hughes said it was culmination of gaining the self-confidence to apply and being unemployed.

“I had a lot of things in my brain working against me, and some external factors as well,” she said. “Over the years, I just started to think that I really enjoy pursuits where I can dive into research and I can do writing and delve into ideas.”

During her four years of study, she completed many research projects, including one on refrigerator etiquette and what that can teach about privacy and data.

Hughes was also encouraged by one of her teachers to go to Harvard University and write a biography on food writer M.F.K. Fisher.

“It’s a result of me just working hard and enjoying the work that I’m doing,” she said.

She graduated with two majors in history and culture and technology studies, in addition to being top of her class.

Hughes was also honoured with the post-secondary school’s most prestigious undergraduate award, the W.C. Winegard Medal, recognized for academic achievement and community involvement.

She said it was very emotional to receive her degree at the convocation ceremony and that it felt very surreal.

Hughes will plan to take a couple of months off over the summer before returning to school in the fall.

She’ll be studying for her master’s degree at the U of G.

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