Texas election results: Real-time results from U.S. election

The world is watching the U.S. election with bated breath as American voters choose who will lead them over the next four years, and all eyes are on Texas amid record voter turnout numbers across the country.

Strong polling numbers for Democrats up and down the ballot in the state have led to serious questions over whether the long-time Republican stronghold could flip blue.

Read more:
U.S. election results: Live, real-time election results as America votes

Polls in most of the state close at 7 p.m. ET, though at least two counties have reportedly extended voting by one hour until 8 p.m. ET, with Texas media citing voting delays and glitches as the reason.

Results will pour into the chart above shortly thereafter.

The chart will change as the counting of ballots continues, updating to show the latest results for the state as they come in.

Texas has 38 Electoral College votes and U.S. President Donald Trump won the state by 807,179 votes in the 2016 election. No Democratic presidential candidate has won the state since Jimmy Carter in 1976.

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