Toronto bracing for days of ‘dangerously hot and humid’ weather

The City of Toronto is bracing for days of extreme heat beginning Monday, with the city mobilizing extra resources to keep people cool.

Environment Canada issued an extreme heat warning for Toronto and large parts of southern Ontario on Sunday afternoon, predicting humidex highs of as much as 45C.

The heat is set to begin Monday and continue through the week, with overnight temperatures expected to stay between 20C and 30C, offering little relief from the scorching days.

Environment Canada said daytime temperatures would range from 30 to 35C, with the humidex between 40 and 45C. Overnight, people should expect 20 to 23C temperatures that feel like 26 to 30C.

“A prolonged heat event will begin on Monday,” the weather warning said. “Dangerously hot and humid conditions are expected through most of the week.”

The warning was issued around 4 p.m. on Sunday and looks set to extend through the week. The City of Toronto echoed the warning and said people should be ready for “dangerously hot and humid” conditions over the next week.

People are reminded to check on older family members, stay hydrated and be careful with the amount of time both pets and young children spend outside, exposed to the heat.

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