Ongoing History Daily: Using electronic music in medicine

We all know that music can have healing properties, which is why there is so much study into music therapy. But we’ve only just scratched the surface.

here’s a device called a “phacoemulsifier” which uses tightly targeted ultrasound frequencies to treat cataracts. Then there was the 2016 of a man who was in a deep coma.

To jolt him awake, doctors had a choice. The first was to plant electrodes inside his brain. That was a risky operation and there was no guarantee it would work. Instead, they played the man some high-tech healing electronic music for about ten minutes. One treatment.

Three days later the man was fully conscious and was responding to everyone around him. This procedure has been successful in at least two other locations, including on a woman who had been in a coma for almost three years.

Will electronic music become a standard type of non-invasive treatment? It’s starting to look like it.

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