Alberta set for $5.5B budget surplus, despite big fire, flood and drought expenses

Alberta’s budget surplus is growing but will be offset by more than $1 billion this year to pay for floods, forest fires and drought.

Finance Minister Nate Horner says the province is on track to record a $5.5-billion surplus when the 2023-24 budget year ends in March.

That’s a $3.2-billion increase from the surplus predicted when the budget was introduced in February.

Click to play video: Alberta on track for $2.4B surplus despite wildfires, lower oil prices

The extra money is due mainly to oilsands royalties, and higher personal and corporate income taxes.

The province is allocating $1.2 billion to pay for fighting and providing relief to people dealing with spring wildfires and summer flooding, and for livestock producers contending with dry conditions.

Taxpayer-supported debt is expected to fall by $3 billion to land at about $76 billion by next March as the province continues to make payments.

Click to play video: Alberta government creates fiscal accountability plan to require balanced budgets



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