Confirmed death toll in Surfside condo collapse reaches 86

The number of people confirmed to have been killed in the collapse of a Miami-area condominium tower last month reached 86, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava said on Saturday.

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No survivors have been pulled alive from the ruins since the first few hours after the tower partially caved in on itself early on June 24.

Investigators have not determined what caused the 40-year-old complex to collapse.

Click to play video: Officials say Surfside building search remains rescue mission even as more victims found

The painstaking search for survivors shifted to a recovery effort at midnight Wednesday after authorities said they had come to the agonizing conclusion that there was “no chance of life” in the rubble of the Champlain Towers South condo building in Surfside.

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Hope of finding survivors was briefly rekindled after workers demolished the remainder of the building, allowing access to new areas of debris. Some voids where survivors could have been trapped did exist, mostly in the basement and the parking garage, but no one was found alive. Instead, teams recovered more than a dozen additional victims.

— With files from The Associated Press

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