COVID-19 outbreak declared at RVH’s cardiac renal unit in Barrie, Ont.

A COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at the Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre’s cardiac renal inpatient unit in Barrie, Ont.

According to the Barrie hospital, three patients with a link to the unit have tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

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All of the unit’s patients have been swab tested for the virus, with all of the results coming back negative. All staff who recently provided care in the unit are also being tested.

RVH says the patients will be tested again later this week and that every patient in the affected unit is on droplet/contact isolation and is being monitored closely.

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The hospital says patients who have been previously discharged from the unit will be contacted by public health and advised to self-isolate.

RVH says it’s also provided local public health with a list of people who’ve visited the unit.

The hospital’s cardiac renal unit is closed to admissions and transfers. Visitors aren’t permitted, with the exception being for compassionate reasons only.

Click to play video: Answering your COVID-19 questions, April 1

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