Dr. Bonnie Henry, Health Minister Adrian Dix to take your questions at COVID town hall

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix will take your questions at Global BC’s first COVID-19 town hall of 2022.

The special event will take place Monday, Jan. 10, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. PT following the News Hour.

What answers do you want from the people in charge of public health in B.C.?

Send in your questions then tune in on to watch on BC1, here on our website, on our Global BC Facebook page or listen live on CKNW.

Click to play video: Hospitalizations mount as B.C. confirms 3,798 new COVID-19 cases, no deaths

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‘In the tug-of-war, Omicron has the advantage’: B.C. enters new stage of the pandemic

B.C. has entered a different stage of the pandemic this year.

“We are in a different race, in a different storm now,” Henry said Tuesday.

All the health orders in the world won’t stop the spread of the highly-contagious Omicron variant, she added. That strain is now responsible for about 80 per cent of the province’s cases.

Henry said what happened in the past and what happens now is key to all of us.

“A lot of people will get sick. We are seeing this now,” she said. “Your vaccine will protect most people from serious illness and hospitalization.”

Click to play video: Isolation and loneliness for long-term care residents as social interactions are limited

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COVID-19: Hospitalizations mount as B.C. confirms 3,798 new cases, no deaths

B.C. confirmed another 3,798 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday as hospitalizations continued to rise.

The number likely represents an undercount of the true situation, with the province continuing to urge anyone with mild symptoms and not in an at-risk group not to seek testing so that tests can be prioritized for those who are more vulnerable.

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