Gas spikes up again in Winnipeg on Friday

The pain at the pumps just got worse as gas prices spiked in Winnipeg on Friday.

A regular litre now costs $1.87 at most gas pumps in the city, which is an eight-cent jump from earlier this week.

The longer the price of gas remains at record highs, the more pressure is put on governments to enact meaningful change, said Opher Baron, a professor with the Rotman School of Management on Monday.

“The public transportation infrastructure is lacking,” he said.

Baron added that more support for electric vehicles would be useful in terms of controlling of green gases and emissions. He also said he believes changes are already being seen at the local level, with more ride-sharing and less frequent driving.

“Fuel prices will continue to remain high as long as sanctions are being placed on Russian oil,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy, on May 3.

Winnipeg is still more affordable than the Canadian average. British Columbia is the highest at $2.27 in some areas.

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