Lethbridge College declares COVID-19 outbreak in powerline technician program

Lethbridge College declared a COVID-19 outbreak in one of its programs after seven people tested positive for the virus by Sunday.

The school said the powerline technician program was impacted.

“There is minimal risk to the campus community as a whole,” Lethbridge College said in a news release.

“This cohort has recently been in a college property that is not located on the main campus. Some members of the cohort were also in the Instructional Building on Oct. 26 but remained in their cohort, meaning no one else in the building [has] been identified as close contacts. None of the cohort have recently been in the main connected part of the college campus.”

The college said it has contacted affected individuals, who are isolating at home, while the rest of the cohort is quarantining in accordance with Alberta Health Services guidelines.

Lethbridge College said it learned of the first positive test on Thursday, which was also when the cohort was last on college property.

The facility said it has “undertaken a thorough cleaning of the affected area under strict protocols.”

“In response to this outbreak, Lethbridge College is immediately reviewing all trades and in-class program protocols to minimize spread,” the school said.

“The college will implement all identified improvements in protocols across all on-campus programs.”

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