Manitoba approves new fine of $5K for some who ignore coronavirus restrictions

Manitoba’s premier will update the province Wednesday about “enforcement” around the novel coronavirus after the province approved new fines.

Premier Brian Pallister will have a press conference at 11 a.m. Global News will livestream the press conference here.

The provincial cabinet approved a new maximum fine of $5,000 – nearly double the current penalty – for some who flout public health orders.

On Monday, Dr. Brent Roussin, Manitoba’s chief public health officer, said the new restrictions introduced that day would be enforceable under the law.

“We have issued fines in the past where required, and we’ll be looking at ways to step up enforcement efforts in the coming weeks,” he said.

“We are going to get tougher on enforcement. We’re going to look at potentially increasing the fines that we can levy in this regard.”

Roussin said, however, that enforcement, like masks, isn’t the only thing that can help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

“And while these rules are serious, there is more beyond the rules that each of us must do to change our behaviour … we don’t need an order to change our behaviour.”

Fines have been imposed in the past, mostly for Winnipeg restaurants for not following social distancing rules.

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