Manitoba premier still mum on funding to search landfill for remains of two women

Manitoba’s premier says a potential search of a Winnipeg-area landfill for the remains of two First Nations women should be led by the federal government and families.

Premier Heather Stefanson says the province is standing by the families of Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran but did not commit to providing provincial money to help fund the search of the Prairie Green landfill.

A feasibility study completed by an Indigenous-led committee last month estimated it could take up to three years and cost $184 million to search the area, but family members and Indigenous leaders have said it must go ahead.

Stefanson says her government is reviewing some of the recommendations in the study that would require provincial approval.

The federal government says it is still reviewing the feasibility study and remains in contact with the families and Indigenous leaders.

Ottawa, meanwhile, is looking at a proposal submitted by the same committee to search a separate Winnipeg landfill.

Click to play video: ‘Their lives mattered’: Indigenous leaders say landfill search a must after study’s release

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