Manitoba records 12 deaths, 208 new cases of COVID-19

Manitoba public health officials say 12 more people have died and the province has recorded 208 new cases of the coronavirus Thursday.

The deaths include:

  • a man in his 30s from Northern health region;
  • a man in his 60s from Prairie Mountain Health;
  • a woman in her 90s from Prairie Mountain Health, linked to the outbreak at Fairview Personal Care Home;
  • a woman in her 60s from the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region;
  • a woman in her 50s from the Winnipeg health region;
  • a woman in her 60s from the Winnipeg health region, linked to the Convalescent Home of Winnipeg;
    a woman in her 70s from the Winnipeg health region;
  • a women in her 80s from the Winnipeg health region;
  • a woman in her 80s from the Winnipeg health region, linked to the outbreak at the Concordia Personal Care Home;
  • a woman in her 80s from the Winnipeg health region, linked to the outbreak at the River East Personal Care Home;
  • a man in his 90s from the Winnipeg health region, linked to the outbreak at the Charleswood Care Centre; and
  • a woman in her 90s from the Winnipeg health region, linked to the outbreak at the Bethania Mennonite Personal Care Home.

Manitoba’s test positivity rate is 9.9 per cent, and 10.5 per cent in Winnipeg. A total of 25,742 cases have now been identified in the province.

New cases include nine in the Interlake, 60 in Northern Health, 17 in both Prairie Mountain and Southern Health regions and 105 in Winnipeg.

Read more:
70 per cent of Manitobans expected to be vaccinated for COVID-19 this year: projection

There are 4,506 active cases and 20,519 people who have recovered. 228 are in hospital and 31 in ICU. The death toll has climbed to 717.

“Public health officials advise a COVID-19 outbreak has been declared at the McCreary/Alonsa Health Centre in McCreary. The site has been moved to Critical (red) on the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System.

“The outbreak has been declared over at Seine River Retirement Home in Winnipeg.”

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