Manitoba to amend employment standards for pandemic sick leave

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister will be speaking to media Monday afternoon about legislative amendments for COVID-19 job-protected leave.

The province announced earlier Monday that it intends to introduce amendments to the Employment Standards Code that will help more workers take protected leave and apply for federal benefits during the pandemic.

Read more:
Manitoba premier says agenda to include paid sick leave for those with coronavirus

“Manitoba has led the way on advocating for a federal paid sick leave program, and we’ll be the first province to move forward with introducing important legislative changes so more Manitobans can access these new federal benefits,” said Pallister in a release.

“Our first priority is protecting the health and well-being of all Manitobans, and this legislation would save workers from making the difficult decision whether to earn a paycheque or stay home while sick.”

Pallister said the province has consulted with the Labour Management Review Committee and the Retail Council of Canada on the proposed legislation.

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