Okanagan woman bringing first wildlife rehabilitation centre to the valley

A Kelowna woman wants to do her part in helping injured and orphaned wildlife in B.C.’s Southern Interior by establishing a community-driven non-profit rehabilitation centre.

Eva Hartmann founded the Interior Wildlife Rehabilitation Society in January 2020 and is now in search of a suitable property for the new centre.

“We strive to contribute by joining forces with other privately funded B.C. rehabilitation centers to rescue, rehabilitate and release orphaned and injured wildlife,” said Eva Hartmann, a registered veterinary technician and wildlife rehabilitator in training.

The centre will be the first of its kind in the Southern Interior and will give some animals a chance at survival who otherwise would have been euthanized.

Read more:
Wildlife rehab centre badly needed in the Okanagan: B.C. SPCA

The society says it’s weighing out options for choosing the location for the centre, from the purchase of land to establishing a partnership with a private donor or local land trust.

“Our primary services will be public education, wildlife patient care and promoting responsible ecosystem stewardship,” said Hartmann.

“The scope of our rehabilitation centre will focus first on cervids (deer, moose) and small mammals.”

The goal of the Interior Wildlife Rehabilitation Society is to advocate for a peaceful existence between local communities and wildlife, while also rehabilitating injured or orphaned animals.

Click to play video: Bear cub ‘apprehended’ trying to cross the Canadian border now in care

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