Parks and patios: Londoners take advantage of warm week

London, Ont., is enjoying blue skies and daily highs in the mid to high 20s in what feels like a weeklong summer preview and residents are making the most of it.

There are over 500 parks in the City of London and over 330 playgrounds on city-owned land, as well as 250 km of pathways and trails for Londoners to enjoy.

“We do hear from the public that London’s got one of the best-connected pathway systems and one of the most scenic systems in all of Ontario,” manager of parks, planning and design Jeff Bruin told Global News.

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Environment and Climate Change Canada is forecasting sunshine and a high of 26 C for London on Wednesday, 28 C on Thursday, 26 C on Friday and 22 C on Saturday. While you’d be forgiven for doubting the date on your calendar, Bruin said it’s still too early for washroom facilities to open and drinking fountains to be turned back on.

“Parks, this time of the year, they’re kind of in a transition. Our park maintenance staff are just coming back to full-time outdoor maintenance activities after being in the arenas over the winter. A lot of the park amenities including sports fields start to be programmed and fully opened up starting May 1.”

April also marks a transition time for local bars and restaurants with patios.

Matt Morton, general manager of Toboggan on Richmond Row, said the decision to open the patio depends largely on the weather — specifically, the overnight temperature.

“Once you get your beer draught lines, your pop lines and water and all those things up and running again, your concern will always be what will happen overnight. Could it potentially freeze?”

Patios typically open for the season at the end of April or beginning of May, Morton said Tuesday, but some patios might open briefly when there’s a warm spell before closing again and some patios may choose to open but only serve cans.”

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Across the street in Victoria Park, Mike Smith and Byran Mills were among the cyclists enjoying the warm weather on Tuesday.

Smith said he enjoys the exercise, the scenery and the social aspect of cycling.

“I like to see the change of the season — of course, it’s early spring right now, but things are starting to pop. And I know a few people from riding on the trail which I’ve not seen since last year, so looking forward to bumping into them.”

Mills bicycles from the Southdale Road East and Wellington Road area to the downtown core and was thrilled by the warm weather.

“It’s been a long time, right? Here comes the sun!” he laughed, adding that April weather can be very unpredictable.

“I don’t think it’s here to stay. I think it’s going to get cooler again.”

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, Mills is correct. April showers are expected Sunday through at least Tuesday, with daily highs ranging from 10 to 16 C.

When the warm weather finally returns, Bruin said Londoners can expect park improvements all across the city with about “10 to 12 parks that will be receiving new playgrounds.”

There will also be a larger project at Foxfield District Park at 2384 Buroak Dr. in the city’s northwest corner. Bruin expects construction to begin this summer and be “completed through into the fall.” A new spray pad, new washroom building and new soccer field will be added while the safety surface around the existing playground structure will be upgraded and the pickleball facilities will be expanded, he added.

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