Quebec officials to address coronavirus pandemic as cases and hospitalizations climb

Quebec’s health minister will address the ongoing spike of new novel coronavirus cases in the province Thursday afternoon.

Christian Dubé will be joined by Dr. Horacio Arruda, the director of Quebec public health, at the national assembly.

The update comes as five regions, including Montreal and Laval, are now in the orange zone of the province’s COVID-19 alert level system. Tighter controls are underway in those areas to stop the spread of the virus.

READ MORE: New study finds 247 people brought COVID-19 to Quebec from abroad during March break 2020

The number of new infections has risen in recent weeks and authorities reported an uptick in hospitalizations in the last few days.

As a result, officials have asked Quebecers to limit their social gatherings and be more vigilant to stem the tide of the virus.

Quebec remains the province hardest hit by the health crisis. The pandemic has led to 5,809 deaths and 69,088 cases to date.

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