Quebec reports 1,101 new cases of COVID-19, 7 deaths as hospitalizations decrease

Quebec is reporting 1,101 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday and seven more virus-related deaths.

Of the deaths, one was recorded in the last 24 hours. The others were retroactively added to the death toll — which now stands at 10,933.

Hospitalizations decreased by 14 to 578, and 159 people are in the ICU, a drop of five.

READ MORE: Quebec redirects COVID vaccinations from Olympic Stadium due to weekend protest

There were 62,406 vaccine doses administered on Friday and 1,227 were retroactively counted from before April 30, adding to a total of more than 3.1 million doses since the beginning of the vaccination rollout in the province in December.

Quebec has reported more than 350,874 COVID-19 infections since the pandemic hit the province. At least 330,362 cases have recovered.

As of Friday, anyone who is age 50 and older can register for their first vaccine dose. The inoculation rollout is gradually opening to the general public over the next two weeks.

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