Water main break prompts boil water advisory for Alberta town

A water main break shut off the water supply for the town of Millet, Alta., on Friday and a boil water advisory was issued by Alberta Health Services.

The town website issued an update on the water main break on Thursday, saying repairs would not be done until Friday morning.

“Water will be shut off throughout the entire town from 8 a.m. May 24 until repairs are complete,” a notice on the town website explained. “We cannot predict how long it will take, as they will not know until they open up the line.

“It is our hope the repair will be quick and we will have water back on as soon as possible.”

A Millet employee said the city was made aware of the break Thursday night and the water was shut down for repairs Friday morning.

Another update on the town’s website on Friday said Alberta Health Services had placed the town under a boil water advisory “until further notice.”

“Once the water is turned back on, the (boil) water advisory must be adhered to by all residents. Letters are currently being delivered door to door to ensure all residents are aware,” the town said.

An Alberta Emergency Alert advising of the boil water advisory was issued at 12:57 p.m. on Friday.

“Bring your water to a rolling boil for at least one minute prior to using it for domestic purposes, including drinking, making infant formula and juices, brushing teeth, washing raw foods and making ice,” the alert reads.

“This advisory is being issued as a precautionary measure until safety of water can be assured.”

— More to come

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